Hello community again! I hope you are having a wonderful summer holiday. Today, finally, we are releasing something that many have been waiting for, the Android version of the game, finally!!!!

Before I comment some things, I would like you to see the previous post to clarify some things, such as the minimum and recommended requirements to play the Android version.

But as I know that probably a lot of people are not going to see the previous post I will clarify again the requirements to be able to play the Android port properly, which are:

Minimum requirements:

  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 80MB of available space
  • Internet connection

Recommended requirements:

  • 8GB of RAM
  • 100MB of available space
  • Fast Internet connection.

After again, clarifying the minimum requirements of the Android port, I want to clarify that this is an EARLY ACCESS of the port, that is, if you experience crashes or FPS drops at times, it is VERY LIKELY because you meet the minimum requirements to play the game, if you have the recommended requirements or intermediate requirements you will not experience any problems when playing the game.

I also want to warn that if you find bugs, please report them, because, this is an early access port and although we have tried to optimize the game, and adapt it to mobile devices, it is possible that there are bugs unknown to us.

Anyway, I don’t have much more to say, I hope you like the port. By the way, after the release of this port I’m going to take 1 MONTH of vacation MINIMUM, so, any bug will be fixed when I come back from vacation, I think, after so much work, I deserve it….

Anyway, I hope you have a good vacation, and as always, thanks for the support!!!!


The Android port is an Early Access, possibly containing unknown bugs.

It is recommended to meet the recommended requirements in order to enjoy a fairly good gaming experience.

Each time you enter the game, various assets will have to be downloaded from the internet to access the game. These assets are downloaded through OpenDrive servers. So, there is a possibility that during the download of these assets, if the OpenDrive server is not available, these assets will not be downloaded, because the server is down…

There are many possible problems with the port, so, if I see that the port doesn’t work, it will be cancelled…


77 days ago

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