Good News!


Hi guys! I come with good news, I know I’ve been inactive for a loooong period of time, because of studies and so on… But in exchange, I’m going to give you some news about Just Pong and its current state.

To begin with, I have seen that Just Pong has had a good support lately with an almost constant number of players per day, therefore, I have decided that this summer, I will release a BIG UPDATE, possibly some of you may not like to hear this, because they have to wait more, but if you put yourself in my place, I’ve had to do things too, I have life xd (I think).

In this update I will bring big changes, for example, changing some things in the title, the store, the inventory, the aesthetics of the game in general… Well, basically it’s like I’m going to remake the game from scratch, I have seen that the game has many bugs and also has many things that I don’t like, so I think that instead of editing each thing, one by one, it is better to remake the game from scratch.

Calm down, don’t be scared, because this doesn’t mean that when I release the update there will be a number of lousy content, because I also plan to add many more powers, aspects and other things :)

This was all, before saying goodbye I want to tell you what the title would look like in the game. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT

Get Just Pong: Pong Never Dies